This proxy is designed to proxy traffic (ie requests) from an iframe to the localhost developer URL of the developer’s local development server. In the proxy, we fetch a user token and forward it to the app mimicking the behaviour of the Cloudflare proxy in production.



These commands are already included in the @whop-apps/sdk package. However, if you would like to install it on its own, you can run the following command:


If you are using NPM, you need to add "whop-proxy": "whop-proxy" to the scripts section of your package.json file.


The proxy can be configured using the following command line options:

Usage: yarn whop-proxy [options]


--proxyPort <port>      The port the proxy should listen on (3000 by default)
--upstreamPort <port>   The port the upstream server is listening on (set automatically by default)
--npmCommand <command>  The npm command to run to start the upstream server (dev by default)
--command <command>     The command to run to start the upstream server (npm run dev by default)