API Documentation
- Overview
- Companies
- Experiences
- Members
- Memberships
- Products
- Payments
- Reviews
- Notifications
- Line Items
- App Connections
- Users
- Feed Content Items
- Inbound Webhooks
- Inbound Webhook Filters
- GETRetrieve the current app
- GETCheck Access
- Overview
- Memberships
- Products
- Payments
- Reviews
- Users
- GETRetrieve the current company
- Overview
- Memberships
- Products
- Payments
- Reviews
- Experiences
- Companies
- POSTCreate an OAuth Token
- GETRetrieve the current user
- GETList a User's social accounts
- Webhooks
List Memberships
Returns a collection of memberships. By default, the valid filter is set to true.
curl --request GET \
--url https://{defaultHost}/v5/me/memberships \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
"pagination": {
"current_page": 123,
"total_pages": 123,
"next_page": 123,
"prev_page": 123,
"total_count": 123
"data": [
"id": "<string>",
"product_id": "<string>",
"user_id": "<string>",
"plan_id": "<string>",
"page_id": "<string>",
"created_at": 123,
"expires_at": 123,
"renewal_period_start": 123,
"renewal_period_end": 123,
"quantity": 123,
"status": "trialing",
"valid": true,
"cancel_at_period_end": true,
"license_key": "<string>",
"metadata": {},
"checkout_id": "<string>",
"affiliate_username": "<string>",
"manage_url": "<string>",
"company_buyer_id": 123,
"marketplace": true
User OAuth token for /v5/me endpoints
Query Parameters
An ID of a company to filter by, which will look like biz_*************
An ID of a product to filter by, which will look like prod_*************
, trialing
, past_due
, completed
, canceled
, expired
, unresolved
Current page number
Total number of pages
Next page number
Previous page number
Total number of records
The ID of the membership, which will look like mem_*************
The ID of the product, which will look like prod_*************
The ID of the user, which will look like user_*************
The ID of the plan, which will look like plan_*************
The ID of the page, which will look like page_*************
The time at which the Membership was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
The time of when the Membership is set to go expired
The UTC timestamp of when the Membership will begin
The UTC timestamp of when the Membership will end
The quantity purchased
Whether or not the membership is valid
Whether or not this membership is scheduled to cancel at the end of the renewal period.
The metadata for the membership
The username of the affiliate that referred the customer to this membership, if any.
The URL for the customer to manage their membership on whop.com.
The status of the membership
, active
, past_due
, completed
, canceled
, expired
, unresolved
The license key for the membership
The ID of the checkout used to first purchase / generate the membership.
The ID of the company that purchased/owns the membership. (For example, they installed an app). Looks like biz_*************
Whether or not the membership was purchased through the whop marketplace.
Was this page helpful?
curl --request GET \
--url https://{defaultHost}/v5/me/memberships \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
"pagination": {
"current_page": 123,
"total_pages": 123,
"next_page": 123,
"prev_page": 123,
"total_count": 123
"data": [
"id": "<string>",
"product_id": "<string>",
"user_id": "<string>",
"plan_id": "<string>",
"page_id": "<string>",
"created_at": 123,
"expires_at": 123,
"renewal_period_start": 123,
"renewal_period_end": 123,
"quantity": 123,
"status": "trialing",
"valid": true,
"cancel_at_period_end": true,
"license_key": "<string>",
"metadata": {},
"checkout_id": "<string>",
"affiliate_username": "<string>",
"manage_url": "<string>",
"company_buyer_id": 123,
"marketplace": true