Retrieve a Checkout Session
Returns a collection of Checkout Sessions, based on the supplied filters. By default, results are returned 10 objects at a time.
Your API key, which can be found on the Whop Business Dashboard. You must prepend your key with the word 'Bearer', which will look like Bearer ***************************
Path Parameters
The ID of the session, which will look like ch_*************
CheckoutSession model
The code to apply as the affiliate for the transaction. Codes are a User object's username
The ID of the session, which will look like ch_*************
The metadata that will be attached to the Membership upon successful purchase.
The ID of the plan that the checkout session is associated with, which will look like plan_*************
The URL that the customer can use to purchase with this checkout session.
The URL the user will be navigated to after successfully completing a checkout with this session
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