Create a quick link
Create a quick link (or release link) for a plan. This will copy over all data from an existing plan and make a new plan with the same data that can be used as a one-time release link. You can change the stock and metadata on the new plan.
Your API key, which can be found on the Whop Business Dashboard. You must prepend your key with the word 'Bearer', which will look like Bearer ***************************
Path Parameters
The ID of a plan you want to copy the data from, which will look like plan_*************
Query Parameters
Whether or not to expand the Product on the returned Plan(s). Pass an array with each object(s) you want to expand, e.g. [product]
Create a quick link for a plan
A nickname for the Plan set by the company and not visible to the customer
The description of the Plan as seen by the customer on the checkout page
The short link identifier for the Plan.
The password that must be entered to use this plan. It will automatically be appended to the direct_link
The amount of stock left in the Plan
The number of free trial days added before a renewal Plan.
A key value pair of metadata. Whatever you put on here will be assigned to any memberships that are created on this plan
A key value pair of requirements. By default, requirements will pull from the mimic_plan. Whichever ones are here will overwrite those
Plan model
The ID of the Plan, which will look like plan_*************
The Product this Plan is tied to. By default this will just be the ID of the Product, but you can expand it to get more information about the Product by passing [product]
in the expand
Whether the Plan is a renewal or one-time purchase
The method the customer will use to gain access to this Plan's Product
The level of visibility of the Plan
, hidden
, archived
, quick_link
How often a user will get charged for their membership (if it is a renewal plan), in number of days
A nickname for the Plan set by the company and not visible to the customer
The description of the Plan as seen by the customer on the checkout page
A polymorphic object containing information that can be user defined
A URL that targets a customer on this specific Plan
The price to be charged for each successive billing period
The price to be initially charged when a user first purchases the Plan
The base currency
Represents the different restrictions (if any) in place for purchasing the Plan
Configurable settings on how this Plan is released.
An array of payment methods that are accepted for this Plan
The amount of stock left in the Plan
Whether or not the Plan offers unlimited stock
The time at which the Plan was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
Access Pass has been deprecated for Product. Please use product instead and do not use access_pass.
Deprecated. Please use accepted_payment_methods
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