Retrieve a Payment
Returns a specific Payment, using its unique ID. Only Payments with a status of paid have been successfully processed.
Your API key, which can be found on the Whop Business Dashboard. You must prepend your key with the word 'Bearer', which will look like Bearer ***************************
Path Parameters
The ID of the Payment, which will look like pay_*************
Query Parameters
Whether or not to expand the User, Membership, Plan, or Product on the returned Payment. Pass an array with each object(s) you want to expand, e.g. [product, plan, membership, user]
, membership
, plan
, user
Payment model
The ID of the Payment, which will look like pay_*************
The Product this Payment is for. By default this will just be the ID of the Product, but you can expand it to get more information about the Product by passing [product]
in the expand
The Membership this Payment part of. By default this will just be the ID of the Membership, but you can expand it to get more information about the Membership by passing [membership]
in the expand
The amount paid to the Affiliate for this Payment
The Plan this Payment is under. By default this will just be the ID of the Plan, but you can expand it to get more information about the Plan by passing [plan]
in the expand
The User who made the Payment. By default this will just be the ID of the User, but you can expand it to get more information about the User by passing [user]
in the expand
The total amount paid by the User, including any discounts or taxes
The subtotal for the payment, before any discounts or taxes
The total amount for the payment
The three letter currency the Payment was made in
The last four digits of the credit/debit card used to make the Payment
The brand of the credit/debit card used to make the Payment. Ex. visa.
The number of times the Payment has failed
The reason why the payment failed, if applicable.
Which platform was used to process the Payment
The amount that was refunded to the User (if applicable)
The status of the Payment
The transaction hash for the Payment if it was made with a cryptocurrency
The crypto wallet address use to make this Payment
The time at which the Payment was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. Does not necessarily reflect the time the Payment was successful.
The time at which the Payment was successfully paid at. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
The UTC timestamp of the date the Payment was refunded (if applicable)
The UTC timestamp of the last time the Payment was attempted
The UTC timestamp of the next time the Payment will be attempted
Access Pass has been deprecated for Product. Please use product instead and do not use access_pass.
The first name of customer who made the payment
The last name of customer who made the payment
The metadata attached to the receipt's Membership.
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