Update a Plan
Updates a plans information/options
Your API key, which can be found on the Whop Business Dashboard. You must prepend your key with the word 'Bearer', which will look like Bearer ***************************
Path Parameters
The ID of the Plan, which will look like plan_*************
Update a Plan
The amount of stock left in the Plan
Whether or not the Plan offers unlimited stock
The level of visibility of the Plan
, hidden
, archived
, quick_link
Marks whether customers can purchase multiple quantity of the Plan.
Deprecated. Please use accepted_payment_methods
Whether or not Coinbase Commerce payments are accepted.
The interval at which the Plan charges (expiration plans).
The time period (in days) after a Membership expires where the customer can still top-up.
The price to be initially charged when a user first purchases the Plan
The description of the Plan as seen by the customer on the checkout page
A nickname for the Plan set by the company and not visible to the customer
Marks whether or not a Plan can be purchased multiple times by a user. Used most likely for free trial plans. Default is false
Marks whether an expiration Plan can/can't be topped-up.
The short link identifier for the Plan.
The number of free trial days added before a renewal Plan.
A key value pair of metadata. Whatever you put on here will be assigned to any memberships that are created on this plan
Marks whether paypal payments are/aren't accepted.
Plan model
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