Retrieve a promo code
Retrieve a promo code
Your API key, which can be found on the Whop Business Dashboard. You must prepend your key with the word 'Bearer', which will look like Bearer ***************************
Path Parameters
The ID of the Promo Code, which will look like promo_*************
Query Parameters
Whether or not to expand the Plans on the returned Promo Code(s). Pass an array with each object(s) you want to expand, e.g. [plans]
, promo_code
PromoCode model
The amount off (percentage or flat amount) for the Promo Code.
The monetary currency of the Promo Code.
, sgd
, inr
, aud
, brl
, cad
, dkk
, eur
, nok
, gbp
, sek
, chf
, hkd
, huf
, jpy
, mxn
, myr
, pln
, czk
, nzd
, aed
, eth
, ape
, cop
, ron
, thb
, bgn
, idr
, dop
, php
, try
, krw
, twd
, vnd
, pkr
, clp
, uyu
, ars
, zar
, dzd
, tnd
, mad
, kes
, kwd
, jod
, all
, xcd
, amd
, bsd
, bhd
, bob
, bam
, khr
, crc
, xof
, egp
, etb
, gmd
, ghs
, gtq
, gyd
, ils
, jmd
, mop
, mga
, mur
, mdl
, mnt
, nad
, ngn
, mkd
, omr
, pyg
, pen
, qar
, rwf
, sar
, rsd
, lkr
, tzs
, ttd
, uzs
, rub
The specific code used to apply the Promo Code at checkout.
The time at which the Promo Code was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
The duration setting for the promo code.
, once
, repeating
If true, the promo code can only be applied to existing memberships (post checkout).
The date/time of when the Promo Code expires.
The ID of the Promo Code, which will look like promo_*************
A polymorphic object containing information that can be user defined
Restricts Promo Code use to users who haven't purchased from the company before.
The number of billing cycles the Promo Code is applied for. By default, it is applied forever (0).
Please use plans
instead, as this field is deprecated.
The Plans this Promo Code is valid for. By default this will just be the IDs of the Plans, but you can expand it to get more information about the Plan by passing [plan]
in the expand
Whether the Promo Code is a percentage or flat amount off.
, flat_amount
Indicates if the Promo Code is live, disabled, or archived.
, inactive
, archived
The number of total uses remaining for the Promo Code.
Whether or not the Promo Code has unlimited uses.
The amount of times the Promo Code has been used.
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