List Memberships
Returns a collection of Memberships, based on the supplied filters. If a Membership is valid, the User has/should have access to the Experiences associated with the Product. If a Membership is invalid, the User will/should have their Product’s Experiences unfulfilled. By default, results are returned 10 objects at a time.
Your API key, which can be found on the Whop Business Dashboard. You must prepend your key with the word 'Bearer', which will look like Bearer ***************************
Query Parameters
The page number to retrieve
The number of resources to return per page. There is a limit of 50 results per page.
The status of the Membership
, completed
, trialing
, past_due
, unresolved
, canceled
, expired
The ID of the Plan attached to this Membership, which will look like plan_*************
Access Pass has been deprecated for Product. Please use product instead and do not use access_pass.
The ID of the Product attached to this Membership, which will look like prod_*************
or pass_*************
The ID of the User that owns this Membership, which will look like user_*************
The ID of the Discord account attached to this Membership
The crypto wallet address used to pay for the Membership (if paid through the one-time ETH or renewal WETH Whop contracts)
Whether or not the Membership has a valid status
Whether or not to hide the metadata returned on responses. Passing true will hide the metadata, default value is false.
The direction to order the results by. Either 'desc' or 'asc'. Default is 'desc'.
, desc
Whether or not to expand the User, Plan, Product, or Promo Code on the returned Membership(s). Pass an array with each object(s) you want to expand, e.g. [product, plan, user, promo_code]
, user
, plan
, promo_code
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